Sunday, December 19, 2010

Final Post!

Would it sound awful if I said "WOOOO HOOOOO!" ?

It's not that I didn't enjoy life drawing, but, I am SO relieved that it is over! This past week has been very stressful with all of the things that we needed to finish.

I have learned a lot this semester, about the human body, about drawing, and about myself. I think that the most rewarding part of the class was learning about how to use line most effectively. When comparing drawings from the beginning of the semester and the end of the semester I see a distinct difference in the way that I use lines and the type of line. Another important thing that I learned this semester that has benefited me and will continue to benefit me is learning how to observe something so carefully. With each contour drawing we did I sound myself noticing and being able to depict smaller and smaller details.

I look at people from a completely different perspective now. At the beginning of the semester I rather hated the human form. I'm not sure why, but I did. Now, I find the body intriguing. There is always something new to learn and strive towards.

This is my final shell drawing that I think went very well; not perfect, but, decent.  More importantly, I enjoyed doing it.

During our last class period we talked about our manikens, about the final, and did some fun drawings. The model put clothes on as we were doing the gesture drawings making a nice narrative. I absolutely loved it! I love the idea of there being a narrative. It gives a meaning to the drawings. Unfortunately I left my gesture drawings on the floor because I was disoriented having been drawing on the opposite side of the room. As soon as I realized it, I was really upset! Those drawings were decent! ugh. I went back to find them but they weren't there anymore. That's ok though. We also did a long pose. Near the end I started getting anxious. Anxious about everything: finals, classes, homework, drawings, blogs, tests, papers, essays, and a whole slew of other things.  That is mostly irrelevant, but, in my state of anxiousness I decided to try to make myself more comfortable by adding doodling embellishments to the drawing. It didn't turn out the greatest, but, it was fun, and a good way to end the class. She must be in some alternate reality. I'm not entirely sure. 

I've also learned that I kind of like blogging! Shhh. Don't tell anyone!

And the link to my flickr page again: Portfolio


  1. I really enjoy your additions to the figure drawing. It's refreshing to see something different.

  2. You did a great job with your shell drawing, great improvement over your previous drawings. You have good dark areas in the back, and a little in the front which brings depth into it. I remember some of your other ones where you struggled with creating perspective and depth, this one does a much better job conveying it.

  3. I like your shell :) I love the gradation of the colors and there's just enough to make it look nice. The shadows and highlights are great and make it believable.

  4. I also loved the idea of using the life drawing model gestures as part of a narrative. It gave a lot of life to something that was so static. Your creative additions to the last long drawing is fun, and shows how we can expand upon what we learned for other things... your shell has such lovely gradations with the ink! You had great control over it :)
